What Is the Difference Between Oklahoma GPS Survey and Total Station?

Dec 30, 2022 | GPS Survey

Oklahoma GPS survey and Total Station systems contribute to a project’s overall efficiency because they yield accurate results in a timely manner. These site positioning systems can be used for various purposes, including positioning, measuring, and grade checking. While Total Stations and GPS technology can have similar roles, there are some key differences between the two.


Understanding GPS Survey Tulsa Equipment

GPS surveys involve technology that utilizes the Global Positioning System. To calculate precise locations, ground-based receivers communicate with a sophisticated satellite network. These site positioning systems can be ideal for large job sites, as technicians can calculate each receiver’s exact latitude, longitude, and height. There are various procedures that technicians use for GPS surveys; four prominent techniques are:

  • Static: multiple receivers record data over time to measure changes in satellite geometry. This establishes the baseline between stationary GPS units.
  • Fast-static: this is like a static procedure, but has a shorter observation time. These involve a network technique, radial baseline technique, or both.
  • Kinematic: one stationary unit is set over an established station while another moves from place to place. This procedure can be “stop and go” or continuous.
  • Real-Time Kinematic: this advancement on kinematic procedures is versatile and precise. RTK GPS techniques provide highly accurate results immediately.

Because GPS technology relies on satellite systems, it can face some challenges if the view of the sky is obstructed. However, some GPS survey Tulsa equipment can receive information from additional satellite constellations (known as GNSS receivers), allowing the technology to perform effectively even in obstructed environments.


Understanding Total Station Systems

A Total Station-based site positioning system may be ideal if a job site has very tight accuracy requirements. Total Stations are widely recognized for the high degree of accuracy they provide regarding site positioning, grade checking, stakeout, and measurements. However, this equipment may not be the most effective option for all projects as the range is more limited than GPS systems.


Do You Need Total Station or Oklahoma GPS Surveying Services?

Whether you need a review of your property through a Total Station system or a GPS survey can vary based on the needs of the project. For example:

  • If you are preparing for an expansive project on a large property, the extended range of GPS equipment makes it the ideal service.
  • If the project requires high levels of accuracy, Total Stations can be useful because they meet an accuracy requirement of 3 millimeters.

However, these two factors do not need to limit the equipment you should use. For example:

  • Total Station systems can still be used to measure large properties if they measure smaller portions at a time.
  • GPS equipment is also known for its accuracy, as most systems fit an accuracy requirement of 8 millimeters.

If you are unsure which services would be ideal for your specific project, it can always help to reach out to a “surveying company near me.” These professionals can advise you on which site positioning system best suits your project’s needs. Additionally, depending on the specific project, they may utilize both equipment sets to provide the most accurate results.


Looking for a Surveying Company Near Me?

Working with the right technician can ensure that your survey yields the necessary results. At Sisemore & Associates, our team provides top-tier service by combining our decades of experience with innovative techniques and state-of-the-art equipment – including TopCon Total Stations and quality GPS technology. Contact us to learn more about our services.